Friday, December 7, 2007

Final Exam

I've posted review matrials for the Final Exam. I'll add some old exam problems as soon as I get a chance.

One important point to make: The final exam is a cumulative exam. I've only posted review materials for the subjects covered since Exam #3, but you should make sure to study the material from Exam #1, Exam #2, Exam #3,


Anonymous said...

Review session???!?!???!!!?&

Asa said...

For my students in sections F and H - It looks like Professor Handron will be holding a review session from 1 - 2:30 on Wednesday. So you should all go to that and then if you have remaining questions, I'll be holding another review session in Doherty Hall A310 from 2:30 to 4, or beyond if need be. Also, please check your grades on Blackboard and let me know if anything is missing that shouldn't be. Note that the homeworks 5, 9, 12 and 13 do not exist so don't worry if you don't have a grade up. You should only be concerned if an assignment appears with a "blank" or a "0".