Friday, December 21, 2007

That's All, Folks!

Well, I've submitted the final grades. You should be able to see yours on the SIO website. You can see your final exam grades on the Blackboard site, as well as your final average. If you are interested, here are the statistics for the semester. At the top, you can see the grade cutoffs for the overall grades: A-77.75, B-66.75, C-56.75, D-41.75. At the bottom are statistics for the final exam, including the grade cutoffs: A-80%, B-70%, C-60%, D-45%.

Have a great break!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Final Exam Room Assignments

Here are the room assignments for the final exam:

Sections A, B, C in DH 2315.
Sections D, E, F, H in DH 2210.
Sections G, I in DH 2302.

I'll see you in the morning.

Try to get a good night's sleep. No really. Why are you laughing, I mean it.

Final Exam Reference Table

I will provide you with a reference table to use for the final exam. It will have the same information as the table provided with exam #2. I've provided a link to the table from the final exam review page.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Office Hours for Mark Fields

Unfortunately my normal office hours don't work this week, so I'll be in the Undergrad TA office (Wean 6215) at the following times instead:

Wednesday 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Thursday 3:30 - 5:30 PM

As usual, feel free to email me to set up an appointment outside of these times if they don't work for you. Good luck everyone!

Old homeworks and HW15

Old homeworks for section B & C have been put in a folder outside Dr. Handron's office on the 6th floor of Wean Hall. The latest homework, #15, is also there in a separate folder.

Exam #1 Solutions

I've put some copies of the solutions to Exam #1 in a box outside my office door. Feel free to stop by and pick up a copy.

Asa Palley writes...

Sun, Dec 09, 2007 -- Review Session
For my students in sections F and H - It looks like Professor Handron will
be holding a review session from 1 - 2:30 on Wednesday (check out the
details on the course website blog). So you should all go to that and then
if you have remaining questions, I'll be holding another review session in
Doherty Hall A310 from 2:30 to 4, or beyond if need be. Also, please check
your grades on Blackboard and let me know if anything is missing that
shouldn't be. Note that the homeworks 5, 9, 12 and 13 do not exist so don't
worry if you don't have a grade up. You should only be concerned if an
assignment appears with a "blank" or a "0".



"Please pick up any homeworks that you haven't gotten
back outside my office, Wean 7211."

Monday, December 10, 2007

Final Exam Review Session

The Final Exam Review Session has been scheduled. It will be on Wednesday, December 12, from 1:00-2:30 in DH 2315.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Old Exam Problems

I've added some old exam problems to the final exam review page.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Final Exam

I've posted review matrials for the Final Exam. I'll add some old exam problems as soon as I get a chance.

One important point to make: The final exam is a cumulative exam. I've only posted review materials for the subjects covered since Exam #3, but you should make sure to study the material from Exam #1, Exam #2, Exam #3,