Thursday, September 27, 2007

21-122 Final Exam

Well the Fall 2007 Final Exam Schedule has been released. The 21-122 final exam is scheduled for Friday, December 14, from 8:30-11:30 AM. If you are making travel arrangements, please make sure you are available at that time.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Thursday Recitation Cancelled

Whereas, we just had an exam today, and

Whereas, there is no homework due this Friday, and

Whereas, your TA's are busily grading the 300+ midterm exams,

It is Hereby Resolved that there shall be no recitation this Thursday.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Exam #1 - The other review session

If you missed tonight's review session, you have one other chance. One of your TA's, Pulak Goswami, posted the following announcement on the Blackboard site:

Hello, I am one of the TAs for this course and in preparation for the exam on Wednesday I will be holding a review session in SH 125 (this is the lecture room in Scaife Hall: the potato chip looking thing next to the building).
The review session will be on Tuesday the 25th from 6:30 to 8:00pm. Bring Questions.


Exam #1 Review Session

I have finally managed to get the review session scheduled. It will be tonight in DH 2210 from 7:30-9:00pm. I won't have much prepared in terms of review. I'll plan to spend most or all of the time answering questions.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Exam #1

It's that time of the semester. Exam #1 will take place next Wednesday, September 26. There is a review page posted on the Schedule page of the website.

Please note that the exam will be held at the unconscionably early hour of 7:30-8:20AM. Both Lecture sections will take the exam at the same time, but we will be split among three classrooms. To make sure that everyone spreads out evenly, I've assigned the classrooms by Recitation section. You can check the Review Page to see where you belong.

Assignments for Week #4

I guess I forgot to post a notice about this week's assignments, which have been on the Schedule page of the website. I assume you have found the link, or I'd have heard about it by now.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Addendum for HW#3

I've added a couple notes to the homework assignment for Week #3. When you are using tables in section 6.4, make sure you indicate which entry from the table you have used. When you work the problems from the Chapter review, don't use the tables. Practice with the other techniques.

That is the end of this "to serve you better" moment.

Anonymous Comments Enabled

As a followup to Pall's comment about comments, I've enabled anonymous comments. You need not fear revealing your identity when asking potentially embarrassing questions! This is not really a change in policy. I just happens that someone (Pall) let me know that only registered users were able to post comments. That left out - well just about everyone!

It's open season on comments. Have at it folks!

Of course, there is also the Blackboard forum for asking and answering questions.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Assignment for Week #3

I've posted the reading and homework assignments for Week #3. I've decided to include the section about integration using tables, since a few of you have been asking about that. It is scheduled for Monday's lecture now.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Homework #1 Issues

I've heard from our TA's that a number of students turned in the wrong assignment for HW#1. There seem to have been two causes of this. (1) The homework link pointed to the wrong spot for a few hours on the first day of class, and (2) confusion about which text to use. (This is our text.)

I'm going to wait until next Tuesday to put up the solutions to HW#1. If you did the wrong assignment, you can resubmit your assignment before then.